WeedFinderGPT Terms of Use

WeedFinderGPT Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing WeedFinderGPT!

These Terms of Service are applicable when you utilize the offerings of WeedFinderGPT or Wraith Metaverse, LLC, d.b.a. “WF Technologies”, or our associated entities, which include our application programming interface, software, data, documentation, and online platforms (“Offerings”). These Terms encompass our Service Conditions, Sharing & Disclosure Guidelines, Utilization Protocols, and any other written instructions or policies we might provide. By accessing our Offerings, you consent to these Terms. Our Privacy Guidelines detail how we handle and use personal data.

1. Account Creation and Access

To access the Offerings, you must be 18 years or older. Those under 18 require consent from a parent or legal guardian. If you're representing another individual or entity, you must have the authority to agree to these Terms on their behalf. Registration requires accurate and complete details. Sharing your access details or account with individuals outside your organization is prohibited. You are accountable for all activities under your account.

2. Utilization Protocols

(a) Offerings Access. You have a non-exclusive right to access and use the Offerings, in line with these Terms. All rights, titles, and interests in the Offerings belong to us and our associates.

(b) Feedback. We value feedback, suggestions, and ideas for enhancement. Any feedback provided may be utilized without any obligations to compensate you.

(c) Limitations. You must not:

  • Infringe upon any rights of others using the Offerings.
  • Attempt to uncover the source code or underlying components of the Offerings.
  • Use the Offerings' output to create competing models.
  • Extract data from the Offerings using unauthorized methods.
  • Misrepresent the source of the Offerings' output.
  • Trade API keys without our consent.
  • Send us personal data of minors below 13 or the relevant digital consent age.
  • Exceed the rate limits or other requirements we set.
  • Use the Offerings outside of supported regions.

(d) Third-Party Offerings. We are not liable for third-party products or services you use in conjunction with our Offerings.

3. Content Management

(a) Your Content. You can provide input (“Input”) and receive output (“Output”) from the Offerings. Both Input and Output are termed “Content.” You retain ownership of the Input. As long as you adhere to these Terms, WeedFinderGPT assigns you all rights to the Output. WeedFinderGPT can use Content to maintain the Offerings, adhere to laws, and enforce our policies. You are accountable for the Content and ensure it complies with laws and these Terms.

(b) Content Similarity. Due to machine learning's nature, Output might not be distinct across users. For instance, multiple users might receive identical answers to common queries. Such common responses are not exclusive to your Content.

(c) Content Usage for Service Enhancement. We don't use API Content to refine our Offerings. However, Non-API Content might be used for this purpose. If you prefer your Non-API Content not to be used for enhancement, you can opt out by contacting us at privacy@weedfinder.com.

(d) Accuracy. We strive to enhance the precision and reliability of our Offerings. However, given the probabilistic nature of machine learning, some Outputs might be inaccurate. Ensure you evaluate the Output's accuracy for your needs.

4. Charges and Payments

(a) Billing. You are responsible for all fees (“Fees”) as per our pricing page or any written agreement. We can rectify pricing errors and provide accurate billing details upon request. We will charge your payment method periodically. If payments fail, we might suspend your access until payment is settled.

(b) Taxes. Fees shown exclude taxes. You are responsible for all applicable taxes.

(c) Price Adjustments. We can modify our prices. Price hikes will be effective after 5 days, except for legal or beta service reasons.

(d) Payment Disputes. Dispute any Fees within 10 days of the invoice date. Late payments might incur charges. There will be NO REFUNDS for services provided, where these services have already commenced for the current services period. All Users must provide 10 days notice of intent to cancel services. There will be NO REFUNDS for any disputes for cancellation of services where the User has not requested cancellation of services within 10 days of the next invoicing date, unless authorized by WF Technologies.

(e) Free Tier. Creating multiple accounts to exploit the free tier is prohibited. Misuse might result in standard fees or service termination.

5. Confidentiality, Security, and Data Handling

(a) Confidentiality. You might access confidential information from WeedFinderGPT or third parties. Use this information only to access the Offerings. Protect this information diligently.

(b) Security. Ensure you have measures to secure your access to the Offerings. Report any security breaches promptly.

(c) Data Processing. If processing personal data using our Offerings, ensure you have the necessary permissions and comply with relevant laws.

6. Duration and Conclusion

(a) Termination and Suspension. These Terms are effective upon your first use and last until termination. We can terminate these Terms for any reason with 30 days notice or immediately for significant breaches.

(b) Post-Termination. After termination, cease using the Offerings and return or destroy any confidential information.

7. Liabilities and Warranties

(a) Indemnity. Defend and indemnify us against any claims arising from your use of the Offerings or any breach of these Terms.

(b) Disclaimer. The Offerings are provided “AS IS.” We disclaim all warranties, including those of accuracy, reliability, and non-infringement.

(c) Liability Limitations. Our liability is limited to the greater of the Fees you paid in the last 12 months or $100.

8. Resolving Disputes

(a) Mandatory Arbitration. Any disputes will be resolved through binding arbitration unless you opt out within 30 days.

(b) Informal Resolution. Before legal action, attempt to resolve disputes informally.

(c) Arbitration Procedures. . The arbitration will be governed by the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and administered by the Oklahoma Academy of Mediators & Arbitrators (OAMA) according to the AAA rules. The AAA rules are available at www.adr.org.

(d) Exceptions. This section doesn't mandate arbitration for individual small claims or intellectual property infringements.

(e) No Class Actions. Disputes must be individual. Class actions are not permitted.

(f) Mass Filings. If multiple similar arbitration demands arise, they will be handled sequentially.

(g) Severability. If any part of this section is deemed unenforceable, the rest remains in effect.

9. General Provisions

(a) Partnership. These Terms don't establish a partnership or agency relationship between you and WeedFinderGPT.

(b) Brand Usage. Don't use our trademarks without written consent.

(c) Copyright Concerns. Report any copyright infringements to us.

(d) Assignment. You can't assign or delegate any rights under these Terms.

(e) Modifications. We can amend these Terms. Continued use signifies agreement.

(f) Notices. All notices will be in writing.

(g) Waiver and Severability. Non-enforcement of any part of these Terms doesn't waive our rights.

(h) Export Controls. Comply with all export control laws.

(i) Equitable Remedies. Breaching these Terms might result in injunctive relief against you.

(j) Entire Agreement. These Terms represent the entire agreement between you and WeedFinderGPT regarding the Offerings.

(k) Jurisdiction and Law. These Terms are governed by Oklahoma law, excluding its conflict of law rules.